Haunted Mansion Wiki

The Flatwoods Monster, nicknamed Twiggy or Flatty, is a spirit of unclear nature, gender and origins currently haunting the Flatwoods forest.


The Flatwoods Monster (a tall robed figure with a round head, two glowing red eyes, and a spade-like appendage behind his head) is a spirit of unclear nature (most assume Flatty is a goblin or demon, though a mere ghost cannot be ruled out), origins and even gender. Despite their foreboding appearance, which their inability to speak in any other way than through screeching does nothing to alleviate, the creature is quite friendly, having even become friends with the notoriously-grouchy Hatbox Ghost. "Twiggy" or "Flatty", as they are nicknamed, appears to be very fond of all kinds of owls, and is good friends with the Mothman, who can understand and reciprocate their peculiar speech (an ability also shared by Jack Skellington).



The Flatwoods Monster's whereabouts before 1952 are unclear. Most presume Flatty was already haunting the wooden areas near Flatwoods, undisturbed, keeping to themselves and only ever making contact with their beloved owls. If he is a ghost rather than a goblin or demon, it is entirely unknown who he may have been in life.

1952 Encounter[]

On the night of September 12, 1952, a group of local mortals (mostly children, headed by adults Kathleen May and Eugene Lemon) were lead by a shooting star (which they believed to be a UFO) into investigating the woods in which Flatty had been dwelling. When Lemon's dog ran ahead, the Flatwoods Monster materialized, trying to pet the creature — not realizing his shiny red eyes were enough to send the canine darting off in terror, before clueing the mortals in to his locations. Flatty was briefly spotted by the mortals, who, terrified out of their wits, fled immediately, much to the Flatwoods Monster's dismay, as the screech heard by the mortals had only been his idea of a friendly greeting.


In 2017, the Hatbox Ghost accessed Flatwoods through the Endless Staircases, and subsequently met the Flatwoods Monster. Reassured by Hattie's calm (the old ghost had seen much scarier spooks than Flatty by far), the Monster ended up becoming friends with the Hatbox Ghost.


Index of Stories Featuring the Flatwoods Monster


The Flatwoods Monster is a Transplant Character, being based on the popular urban legend concerning such a creature, but not associated with any official Haunted Mansion media.
